It’s summer time! Which means vacations, sunsets, thunderstorms, and more often than not, circulating those workplace policies on appropriate workplace dress. Yes, summer is that time of year where issues such as low cut shirts, visible body art, skirt length, hair color, and shoe wear (just to name a few) often become more prevalent and pose issues in the workplace.

But, companies face difficulties as the line between self-expression and workplace-appropriate is increasingly blurred, especially with increased diversity efforts.

How can companies both respect employees’ self-expression and, at the same time, present a cohesive and professional appearance?

On July 24, join Marc Scheiner as he discusses factors to consider when creating and enforcing employee dress codes and appearance standards, while also addressing the real and growing concerns that companies face from employees raising gender, religious, race and other potential discrimination claims.

Click here for more information and to register. 

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